Deaf Teacher Student On The Fox News

One local man in Colorado Springs won't let disability get in the way of helping others and achieving his goal, Fox 21 has the story.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado -- Kyle Viola is a student teacher at Stratton Elementary School. This is first year as a student teacher, but there is something a little different about his teaching style. "I am profoundly Deaf, so I cannot hear anything at all," He says. "My teaching style is to communicate to kids through sign language and voice."

Viola is working on his masters degree in Deaf education from the University of Northern Colorado. He attended grade schools in district eleven, and is happy to be back. He is a student teacher for Kate Foote. "Kyle is a fabulous role model for our children," She says. "For the most part, They understand me well." Explains Kyle. "Sometimes they don't understand me with my voice. It's not perfectly clear."

Kate and Kyle work together to teach the students the phonics portion of the curriclum. "Seeing himself make himself understood to these children, through both signs and speech... It's just been a wonderful experience to see kids focusing on him and really follwing him." Voila says, "I feel my journey has been wonderful. I've learned a lot from my teachers, and I had great family support. I feel that's really important." Voila is in last year of his mater's program. He plan to teach elementary through high school. Matthew Kruger, Fox 21 News.

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