Jehovah's Witnesses Tell Deaf People To Stop Masturbating

Jehovah's Witnesses' ASL version "Stop Masturbating" under fire for misleading signs with facial expressions and body language.

Jehovah's Witnesses' video goes viral on YouTube and social media networking all over the globe. This is what it looks like when Jehovah's Witnesses use their hands to tell Deaf and Hard of Hearing people that masturbating is wrong. Awkward message!

Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals consistently find disgusting and sparked a chorus of outrage after the unedited American Sign Language (ASL) version is an inapporpriate gestures signs & body language cues - kind of makes it that much more illustrative. To see just how different, watch and learn from the humorously-religious video by Jehovah's Witnesses.

Jehovah's Witnesses's sign language video is facial expressions and body language cues in spoken communication between individuals - a significant role in communication that certain basic facial expressions and body language of human emotion are recognized which was misleading sign language messages for Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

Full unedited version on the official Jehovah's Witnesses website. A link to the original... "God's Love" 22-Gain the Victory Over Masturbation (ASL) : Anyhow, publishers have a lot of for viewers to embed JW's content off-site and the video link has been removed.

Check out humor animated gif: HERE.

This is group specific that JWs targeting Deaf people, please fill out this google survey: Survey of Your Experience with Jehovah Witnesses.

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Jehovah's Witnesses Tell Deaf People To Stop Masturbating
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