Video Relay Services (VRS) is a proven technology which creates equal access to telecommunications for sign language users, and for the hearing who wish to communicate with them. VRS or Video Phones calls are placed in the home or at an office. They are held over a standard broadband internet connection through specially designed, easy-to-use, videophones connected to a TV monitor or through a personal computer with a web camera. The Deaf user sees a sign language interpreter on the monitor and signs to the interpreter, who then calls the hearing user via a standard phone line and continues to relay the conversation between them.
Video Relay Service Channel & Provider Listings
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, LLC would like to take this opportunity to proudly announce the launch of our website as well as formally announce our company. ACE VRS is dedicated to providing a superior experience to our customers! You can access our service via VP by dialing or voice by dialing 866-452-8777. AceVRS Channel
Official website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- we have a long history of serving the deaf and hard of hearing communities. In addition to VRS, TTY, and IM relay, check out our free videophone software and discounted text-only phone plan. ShareATT ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- strives to provide you with a "natural VRS" experience with the conversation flowing as if you were having a direct conversation with the person you are calling, completely free of technology and interpreter snags. ConvoRelay ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are a TRILINGUAL global access video relay services provider between the Deaf and Hearing communities utilizing Sign Language, Spanish and English. GraciasVRS ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Purple services are available for a wide variety of consumers and businesses based on their specific communication needs. Including Hands On VRS,, and IP-Relay, these Purple Services are specifically tailored to meet the needs of people who are Deaf or who have profound hearing loss. Our vision is to enable free-flowing communications between people, inclusive of differences in abilities, languages, or locations. PurlpeCommunications ChannelOfficial website: and/or
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Welcome to the most exciting service-based video relay service on the planet! PAH Relay is proud to serve the Deaf Community because we are a part of the Community. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you! PAHrelay ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is a new Deaf-owned,Deaf-operated organization especially committed to the provision of first-rate Video Relay Services. It is born out of the pressing need for a service that caters to all Deaf and Hard of Hearing customers in the United States with a first-hand understanding of existing accessibility concerns, technical capabilities, and community needs. PowerVRS ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is an emerging communications provider for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and is slated for aggressive growth across several consumer and business to business verticals. Founded in 2009, Say-Hey combines a fresh approach to communication services for the deaf and hard of hearing and quality products and services our customers can depend on. Say-Hey has a talented and passionate group of industry veterans that are leading the change to the way Deaf and Hard of Hearing communicate. We are looking for a talented individuals to help us continue to lead the change and be part of the Say-Hey family while having fun. Say-Hey ChannelOfficial website:
Snap! is a video relay service that enables people who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired to improve the connection with people in their personal and business lives. Eligible applicants receive a free Ojo video phone and use it to conduct true-to-life video relay calls through qualified sign language interpreters over a high-speed Internet connection. Customers communicate with the interpreter using sign language while the interpreter simultaneously relays the comments in spoken English to the standard telephone user. SnapVRS ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- empowers the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community to communicate with both deaf and hearing family, friends or business contacts using video relay service. This free, 24-hour service empowers you place and receive calls with a professional American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter via a videophone and a high-speed internet connection. SorensonVRS ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sprint Video Relay Service (VRS) enables a user who uses sign language to communicate via videoconferencing with a certified Video Interpreter (VI) through the Internet. The VI then voices/relays the signed conversation over the phone – in real time – to the hearing caller (standard telephone users). By using sign language over the full motion video, this allows the sign language user their natural language to convey facial expression and cues to ensure that nothing gets lost in the translation. Sprintrelay ChannelOfficial website:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - video relay service (VRS) allows Deaf and hard of hearing individuals to have telephone conversations with hearing people. Using a videophone with real-time video connection, an interpreter relays the conversation between the two parties. ZVRS ChannelOfficial website: We also offer: HolaVRS (Español)
Video Relay Services - VRS- World
AustraliaWhile internet relay is a great way to make relay calls, there are some things you can't do, such as receiving calls via the internet. See this short demo signed in Auslan. The National Relay Service is an Australian Government initiative. For more see NationalRelayService Channel
Official website:
United KingdomThe British Deaf Association is developing and expanding its campaigning and community activities. As a result there are great opportunities available for those that share our passion for British Sign Language and want to contribute to achieving equality of opportunity for Deaf people.
We, the undersigned, call on the Government to introduce a universal Video Relay Service (VRS) for the British Sign Language (BSL) community in the UK.