The ultimate competition for professionally trained Deaf and Hard of Hearing chefs from all over the world! Seven chefs from across the world are competing for the title of Deaf Chef 2014.
Interviews: We sat down with Kurt Ramborger to discuss his upcoming international Deaf Chef competition.
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Deaf Chef is a non-profit organisation, which is centred on an event for professionally trained Deaf chefs from all over the world. Deaf Chef as a competition was created with the purpose of placing emphasis on Social Responsibility and sustainability within the field of Gastronomy. All while giving people with disabilities a new platform for personal growth and the opportunity to gain recognition.
Deaf was founded in collaboration with Allehånde - one of Denmark’s leading Social enterprises, who is at the forefront when it comes to educating and employing Deaf and Hard of Hearing people within the field of Gastronomy.
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Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger and chefs: Deaf Chef 2014
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Related Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger:
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Amateur Deaf Chef - Chad A Ludwig & Kurt Ramborger
Deaf Chef 2014 - Kurt Irish Chef Ramborger
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