People think of when the subject of
Deaf People on Television comes up, there were many others who paved the way for them over the years on television programs in elsewhere. We can see where the Deaf or Hearing Impaired actors/actresses or hearing actors/actresses who play as Deaf or mute appeared in this movie listings with using world's Sign Languages and other communications.
World Deaf Culture Films, TV Movies and TV series
ASL FILMS is an independent, Deaf owned and operated production company for all feature film media. Founded in 2005 by partners Mark Wood and Mindy Moore, ASL Films is committed to creating sophisticated entertainment with an appeal that both inspires and rewards sponsors and audiences alike. At its inception the company made its first mark producing a feature length film, Forget Me Not which was a huge success that earned many raves and encores from all over the country.
Official Site: and/or
DEAF WEST THEATRE Since its founding in 1991, Deaf West Theatre (DWT) has been an innovator in the theater arts world. DWT provides exposure and access to professional theatre, filling a void for Deaf artists and audiences:
Deaf West Theatre Channel
Official Site:
Deaf Women in Film - It is crucial that you all keep an eye out for who is Deaf (doesn't matter what kind of Deaf), a woman, and who has been or is interested in making a career in filmmaking in any capacity. Please do share with us. The aim is to make this a resourceful site for Deaf Women in Film and all those who are interested in learning more about them.
Deaf Women In Film Channel
Official Site:
U.S.A. Deaf & Hard of Hearing Social Networking Online
Deaf TV is stay connected. Subscrible to our News letters, facebook fan page and share!
Official website:
i Deaf News provides live- and pre-recorded video news via the Internet specifically oriented to the interests and education of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people. We believe in the universal value of education and will provide relevant news to our viewers.
Official Site:
The Aidan Mack Show - Aidan will take you on a roller coaster ride, experiencing the world through her eyes, as a Deaf host, while she makes room for her show that will use American Sign Language. Follow its progressions, challenges, and accomplishments from the beginning stages to the final launch of the TV Talk show, first locally, then regionally and nationally. You can also drop in on status updates of topics ranging from current events, comedic and inspiring stories, cultural trends to politics and more that will shake up viewers and readers with fresh and thought provoking perspectives. You will have a chance to watch Aidan’s Babblehands web series. Not only that, "The Aidan Mack Show" has created different contests/games for Fans to play and win giveaways.
Official Site:
SportsMX is first and only company in the world that delivers Worldwide Sports News for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. It is with passion that the Deaf, Hard of Hearing as well as hearing community comes together as one enjoying the Sports such as Deaflympics, World Championship and High School Games including LIVE streamed coverages and special events.
Official Site:
Deaf Nation - Founded in 2003 by brothers Joel and Jed Barish, DeafNation, Inc. is the international leader in video content, news coverage, social networking and special events for the greater deaf and hard-of-hearing community. The company’s brand portfolio includes DeafNation Expo, an annual tour of 10-15 expos all over the United States and, an exclusive social network offering resources for the deaf and hard-of-hearing such as blogs and online videos that provide in-depth coverage on current news, famous world activities and outstanding individuals.
Official Site:
Deaf Hearing News DHN is a bi-weekly news broadcast out of Phoenix, Arizona. We incorporate American Sign Language, spoken English and captions into each broadcast. There are 36 million Deaf or Hard of Hearing people in America and the majority of them are born into hearing families. Very few of those families will learn sign language - American Sign Language, ASL. This gives the entire family access to news -
DHN Channel.
Official Site:
The Rosa Lee Show is an unique one-woman multimedia performance featuring the Deaf visual artist:
The Rosa Lee Show Channel
Official RosaLeeShow Site -
Dragoness Life Mark Lee is Deaf and a deeply passion with an open minded of arts. Mark shows ideas and creative works of the dragon life in the medieval times filming:
Dragoness Life Channel.
A Mark Lee Film Site:
Deaf Video Communcation - DVC is an Evangelical ministry to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. We are not part of a particular denomination. We are not a church. We are a support organization that works with many different Christian churches throughout North America.
Official Site -
DeafJoke.TV shares the laughter in your eyes only, but not ability to hear, capture you the imagination the Deaf culture jokes that we borrow and share from outside sources. What are you missing? Jump into and make you the best laughter of the medicine!
Official Site -
Welcome to Deaf TV Channel - We are pleased that we are here today, our aim is to change your life for the better. There are so many barriers the Deaf people have to face, especially in the media profession. There are so many talent Deaf filmmakers but sadly they have to use YouTube to get themselves seen. Unfortunately it's a very rare occurrence that we would find a Deaf video featured on the front page of YouTube! We are changing that,the new and exciting Deaf TV Channel is opening soon, this will give you the opportunity to showcase your work and for you to become an instant celebrity!
Official Site -

Do you have a YouTube account that you want shown on
DeafVIDEO.TV? DeafVIDEO.TV are committed to increasing the accessibility of information for Deaf and Hard of Hearing community users and look forward to a positive and thriving exchange of views in a respectful and safe manner.
Official Site -
Collaborative For Communication Access Via Captioning - CCAC advocates for inclusion of CART (real time speech to text) and captioning for full communication access. Join to learn more and advocate with the CCAC, so no one is excluded from life due to different hearing, learning, or language. Universal design plans for captions!.
Official Site -
International Sign Language Social Networking Online
Deaf News TV The video production company run by creative people who are Deaf. To provide video quality news, sports and entertainment online in sign language internationally for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.
Official Site -
H3 Network Media Alliance, a not-for-profit organization, was founded in 2009 to broadcast video programming of special events on the internet so Deaf and hard of hearing people around the world can view and be part of these activities. H3 Network Media Alliance broadcasts in International Sign. International Sign is an international auxiliary language used by WFD and the Deaflympics. WFD estimates a potentially larger audience of 70 million Deaf people worldwide - providing more exposure than any of sign language in a specific country or region could offer.
Official Site -
Deaflympics - To cherish the value the spirit of Deaflympics where Deaf and Hard of Hearing athletes strive to reach the pinnacle of competition by embracing the motto of Per Ludos Aequalitas - Equality through sports and adhering to the ideals of Olympics -
Deaflympics Channel.
Official website:
DeafTV DTV - South Africa's Deaf Channel. The New Production Corporation pioneered the ongoing training of deaf television crew members in South Africa. During its five and a half year existence, The New Production Corporation has trained deaf directors, assistant directors, presenters, actors, sub-title editors, camera, wardobe, and continuity persons, production assistants, scriptwriters and runners. Louis Neethling, the first director trained by DTV, was offered employment by the BBC and has been directing award winning dramas since 2002. This speaks of the standard of training in the company.
Official Site -
Deaf-TV Community - Deutschland - Germany's Deaf TV Community. Welcome to everyone and join our friendly social network. Deaf-TV provides in English and Deutsch languages.
Official Site -
Australia Deaf TV is a non-profit local organisation which is based on the enthusiasm of Deaf volunteers in Melbourne. Deaf TV is primarily funded through member donations and sale of products. This volunteer organisation does not receive any regular Government or private funding. Watch the channel:
Deaf-TV-Aussie Channel.
Official Site -