YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally or created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people or Deaf and Hard of Hearing to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe.

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#Deaf ASL - Posts Last 24 Hours (Today)

#Deaf ASL Sign Language - Posts Last 24 Hours (Today)

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#Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Captions/Subtitles

#Deaf ASL Playlists

#Deaf ASL Sign Language Playlists
Deaf YouTube - Go From YouTube to Deaf TV Channel.
Broadcast Yourself And Become an Instant Celebrity! We need more Deaf films, Stories & Talents Including Real Deaf Lives, News & Gossip.
Deaf TV is stay connected. Subscrible to our News letters, facebook fan page and share!
Official website:
Deaf-TV is for the Deaf and HoH community. Thousand of the videos related to the signers. Subscrible to our video! Responsible for the design of the internet presentation is Denny Brendel from Germany.
Official website:
ASL Hub - We're just a bunch of simple guys who seek to showcase quality videos in ASL.
Official website:
ASLized fosters the integration of American Sign Language (ASL) educational research into visual media and literacy. The main objective is to produce teaching and learning materials in ASL with two focuses: 1.) ASL literature, preserving culture and history and 2.) ASL Linguistics, promoting a better understanding of the complex structure and use of sign languages.
ASLzied Channel
Official website:
SignCast - Citizen Journalism is when the people themselves use the press tools they have available to inform one another. Signcasts is dedicated towards helping the Deaf community better inform one another.
Official website:
Deaf Hearing Network DHN is a bi-weekly news broadcast out of Phoenix, Arizona. We incorporate American Sign Language, spoken English and captions into each broadcast. There are 36 million Deaf or Hard of Hearing people in America and the majority of them are born into hearing families. Very few of those families will learn sign language - American Sign Language, ASL. This gives the entire family access to news.
DHN Channel
Official website:
Deaf World Videos is a web source for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. Our mission is to provide a central place of information for Deaf and Hard of Hearing people throughout the world through news, videos, blogs, event listings and directories.
Official website:
National Deaf Children's Society - Our vision is a world without barriers for every Deaf child. Welcome to the official YouTube channel for the National Deaf Children's Society, the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people. We make videos with deaf young people and their families so others can benefit from their ideas and advice.
National Deaf Children's Society Channel
Official website:

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