A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!
Deaf TV Interview Prank - Deaf TV interviewer tries to interview some pretty ladies that don't speak sign language.
Deaf Man Scam Prank - Supposedly Deaf man doing sign language asks people passing by for donations. Then he picks up his cell phone and starts talking to someone and the prank victims get angry.
The Deaf Waiter Prank - Deaf waiter tries to set the glasses on the shelf that he doesn't hear from the customer and have to yell loud for his attention!
Deaf Old Man And Crazy Wife Prank - Crazy woman screams in people's ears for her Deaf and disoriented husband.
Deaf Help Desk Clerk - This help desk clerk is totally Deaf, after having you spell and scream what you're looking for he'll probably just direct you in the wrong direction anyway.
Deaf and Blind Watch Prank - Poor old lady asks for time. She can neither see well or hear well. These shoppers seem to be in a hurry but they stop anyway to help. She grabs their wrists and still can't see the time. She tries to hang on to them as along as she can but they can't seem to get away and she still doesn't know what time it is.
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A showcase of some of our funniest and world-famous gags! www.HAHAHA.com
Deaf Man Gold Digger Prank
Deaf Prank Video From Just For Laughs Gags
'DEAF' Funny Prank Videos
Deaf Mavi Movies - Alles Gehörlos - Deaf Prank
Can I Squeeze Your Boobs ?
Naked 'n Funny - Candid Camera
Video Relay Service For Deaf - Phone Sex Scene
Fap Guy Calls Deaf Video Service 4,000 Times
Jonny TV - Masturbation Prank On Video Chat
Nude Celebrities Leaked Online
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