The U.S. Winter Olympics Deaf Speedskater, Michael W. Hubbs arrested and mugshot for probation violation in Utah.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah -- Michael (Mike) Hubbs of speedskating for the 2014 Winter Olympics - was last arrested in Salt Lake City, UT on February 27, 2013 by the Salt Lake County Sheriff on the ice rink at Olympic Oval in front of his team mates. Hubbs arrested for a protective order violation and telephone harassment. Booking information comes directly from the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
Michael Hubbs is a speed skater with his sights set on competing in the 2014 Winter Olympics. After overcoming the challenge of being Deaf, he is determined to not let any obstacle get in the way of acheiving his goal. However, Hubbs seems cannot possibly to complete the career due to his reputation.
Michael Hubbs is the most viewed of the top 10 list - Today's Most Viewed Inmates on website.
Disclaimer: Michael Hubbs is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information posted on this website. However, Deaf YouVideo does not not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the content of this website. Names may be similar or identical to other individuals.
Michael Hubbs Promotion Termination 2013:
This announcement is regarding's termination of the Michael Hubbs' "14% for 2014 promotion. is a supporter of anti-domestic violence efforts and previously fundraised over $5,000 for the Deaf Abused Women's Network (DAWN) during the Schwarz Financial Services LLC 25th Anniversary event in 2007.
"Update: We do not have any position on whether Michael Hubbs is guilty or not. Michael confirmed he was undergoing legal proceedings after the fact and did not alert us in advance of his court date. Given his lack of transparency, we felt it was in the firm's best interest to terminate his promotion even after we spent dozens of hours working with him and hundreds of dollars on graphic work.
We stand behind our announcement and wish Michael the best of luck in his endeavors!" -
Signed in ASL and Subtitled: Deaf Speedskater Michael Hubbs is a Con Artist.
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Deaf Speedskater Michael Hubbs is a Con Artist
Michael Hubbs Arrested For Probation Violation
Deaf Speedskater - Michael Hubbs Hositpalized
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