Deaf Man's ‘Fantasy’ In Texas Stabbing Spree

Stabbing spree suspect in 2011 report sheds light on Dylan Quick's past.

HOUSTON, Texas -- Dylan Andrew Quick, the 20-year-old accused of stabbing 14 people on the Lone Star CyFair campus, is now on suicide watch.

On Wednesday, a court-ordered psychologist and his parents visited him in jail. According to a new report, Quick has struggled with suicidal thoughts for years. As you can seen at Prosecutors: College stabbing suspect Dylan Quick had long-held killing ‘fantasy’

More than two years ago, Quick simply vanished. His parents called Texas EquuSearch. Frank Black worked on the case.

On Tuesday, Black was watching news reports of the Lone Star College stabbings.

“They said they had him in custody and they showed pictures of him and I said that guy looks real familiar to me,” Black said. “I saw the hearing aid.”

So, Black went back through his old records. He said he “matched ‘em and said ‘that's the guy right there!’”

It was the same Dylan Quick who had been reported missing back in January of 2011. He was 18 at the time.

Black remembered friends and family saying Quick was sheltered, in part because of his impaired hearing.

“Said he’d been kinda pampered and coddled and stuff,” Black continued.

His notes recall the text Quick sent his parents: "If I continue to live at your house, I would probably commit suicide"... Read The Full Story.

Related Dylan Quick:
Deaf Man Suspect In Texas Mass Stabbing Spree
Deaf Student Suspect In Texas Stabbing Spree
Deaf Man's ‘Fantasy’ In Texas Stabbing Spree

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