WATCH [CC] - Santa surprises parents by signing to her daughter at the UK shopping mall goes viral on social media.
MIDDLESBROUGH -- "Mali" Phoenix Williams-Cody, aged 3, has visited the Cleveland Centre's special event days several times. Mali's parents have some great photos of her at Halloween as well as Christmas. She came with her mum on Saturday to meet Santa Claus.
Mali is not Deaf, she struggles to communicate with speech and language. She has been attending a special school to help with her communication and this is were she learned sign language.
As seen in the video, Santa asked Mali’s mum if she could sign and touched hearts all over the world when he sprung in to action signing to Mali if she wanted a doll for Christmas. Her reaction is priceless and touched all of us who witnessed it live. Mali's parents were so pleased they could capture such a special moment and share it with the world."
Subscribe: Filmed at the Cleveland Centre Middlesbrough:
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Signing Santa To Make Girl's Wish Come True
Miracle on 34th Street Deaf Girl & Santa Scene
KODA Girl In Kindergarten Holiday Concert
Interview With KODA Girl And Deaf Parents
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