Caught on tape, A Pit-bull kills Deaf lady's Chihuahua.
EL SERENO-LOS ANGELES, California -- A Deaf woman and her dog were attacked by a neighbour's American Pit-Bull Terrier in El Sereno Saturday morning. The woman's dog, a Chihuahua named Muffy, had to be put down.
From what it looks like on the CCTV, it was all the Deaf ladys fault right Pit Bull supporters??! "They've attacked the mail man, they've attacked dog, they've attacked other people that are walking their dogs, as well as people that were just walking," said Rene Uribe, a neighbour.
This is why you should never get a pit bull as a pet. Pit bulls are the #1 Killer of our beloved pets of all dog breeds combined.
Did you know that 38,000 domestic animals are killed every year by pit bulls (for comparison: 10,000 people are killed by drunk drivers every year)? Our neighborhoods have turned into killing fields for pit bulls. Our pets are getting slaughtered in our neighborhoods. Not only that but many people end up getting hurt trying to save their pet. These devastated people who lose their pets are suffering from PTSD.
A Propensity to Attack Other Dogs Means a Dog Is Dangerous to People. Approximately one-third of Mr. Phillips' cases started out as a dog attacking another dog, and then turned into a dog attacking a person.
The laws and procedures of animal control across the country need to be revamped in light of the pit bull fad that's taken over. These pit bull owners need to stop terrorizing the public with their dogs. These pit bull owners should be charged with assault by a deadly weapon. Anyone who allows their pit bull to attack or kill another animal is exactly the same capacity as a dog fighter.
Correct there are nice pit bulls. The problem is that you can't tell them apart from the pit bulls that decide to kill. Would you deliberately choose a crib, car, or helmet with the highest record of fatalities and the worst safety rating? Pit-bull type dogs are responsible for 95% of severe attacks (level 4-6 dog bites) on people, pets and livestock in breed neutral zones. Please follow for one month. You will be shocked at all the people and pets that are severely maimed or killed by pit bulls.
Pit bulls do not lock their jaw but with their 'gameness' trait they do not let go until their victims are dead. This trait is for success in the fight pits.
Two words to prove pit bull type dogs are inherently dangerous: "BREAK STICK".
Does this sound like a normal and safe dog breed to have live in our neighborhoods? Pit Bull Rescue Central recommends ALL pit bull owners to have a "break stick", a wedge-shaped piece of wood used to pry open a pit bull’s jaw during an attack. "Since pit bulls have a strong fighting background, we recommend that pet owners also have a breaking stick as a precaution.
This person demonstrates how to use a break stick on a pit-bull:
Pit bulls do not lock their jaws, but due to their "gameness" trait, they rather die than to let go. This trait ensures success in the dog-fighting ring. They have a wide jaw structure and are able to breath/pant while hanging onto their victim's flesh; to ultimately wear down their opponents. The panting allows pit bulls not to overheat so their chances of "winning" during the fight increases. These pit bull breed traits supersede any other dog breeds' bite pressure.
According to Pit Bull Rescue Central, "It is a FACT that our pit bulls, AmStaffs and pit mixes come with a built-in fighting heritage. It doesn’t matter where we get them from, whether it be the pound, a stray we pick up, or a puppy we buy from a breeder. The majority of pit bulls will, at some point in their lives, exhibit some degree of dog-on-dog aggression. Yet, chances are that a "normal" pit bull will not share his affection with other animals. We cannot predict when or where it will happen and we can’t love, train or socialize it out of the dog. Pit bulls may not start fights, but they will finish them."
Tia Torres, who has a T.V. show on Animal Planet called "Pit Bulls & Parolees", wrote this for Rescue Train. "It's a mistake to think the fighting gene can be easily trained or loved out of a pit-bull."
Please read 'HOW TO PREVENT YOUR PIT BULL FROM FIGHTING'. Most shelters and rescues staff/volunteers admit pit bulls are bred for fighting. It's best to own only one pit bull. NEVER bring an adult pit bull to an off-leash dog park, we are setting people and dogs up for failure.
Pit bulls killed 38,000 other animals last year including 13,000 dogs, 5,000 cats, and 20,000 farm animals.
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