Deaf Speaker Joanne Chester "Not Just Deaf"

TEDx Dun Laoghaire host the TEDx conference with Deaf activist and speaker Joanne Chester "Not just Deaf."

Activist, and speaker Joanne Chester is Deaf and an Irish Sign Language user. She is a Community Worker and Youth Worker with a passion for social justice. She featured in the “London Calling” documentary which was aired last May on RTE. In the light of the documentary, she campaigns for Access to Work in Ireland and for Deaf people to be included as equal citizens.

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She says “There are many potential rising stars from the Deaf community who yearn to strive in society but they face barriers daily due to inadequate access and deep-rooted prejudices. With a shift in attitude, we can create a better society for us all”. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Read more at TEDxDunLaoghaire.

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