American Sign Language and Deaf Pride Parade 2015 Information Events.
Audism Free America thrills to share a great news with all of you. AFA hosts an event, American Sign Language & Deaf Pride Parade on April 10, 2015. Please mark on your calendar to remind the date - April 10, 2015 and it will be at Washington DC.
If you wish to participate, support, help, or volunteer and please contact us at We would be appreicate for your participate and support to value our sign language in our Deaf world. Hope to see you there.
Greetings AFA thrills to share with all of you about ASL and Deaf Pride Parade! We hosts the event for celebrating our beautiful language and sharing our Deaf pride includes Deaf People of Color, Deaf Women, DeafBlind, Deaf LGBT, Deaf Dogs, Deaf children, Parents of Deaf children, Teachers, Friends, Family, Interpreters, Interpreters students, Community, and more!
We take a stand to cherish ASL as linguistic rights and Deaf Pride as human rights. We believe what we can change for future and our childrens' future. This is our mission of ASL & Deaf Pride Parade. On Friday, April 10th - We would be meeting at front of Gallaudet University at 11am to set up our parade. We will start march down at noon toward to Lincoln Memorial Park and it will takes about 3.5 between 4 miles to march. Once we arrives at Lincoln Memorial Park and we would opening to celebrate ASL & Deaf Pride at 2:30pm. There will have variety presenters, skits, chants, spirits, and sharing our stories to inspire our ASL & Deaf Pride as Human and Linguistic rights.
On Saturday evening, April 11th, we hosts an event as candlelight vigil at 7pm. We cherish to honor all Deaf people and Deaf children who survive to face Audism which a group who would oppress our human and linguistic rights. We take a stand to resist an oppression and grow our roots all together to light our soul. We have a vision to believe for us to take a stand to change for future and children future.
People who wishes to join our parade could hosts this event in your local, Deaf club, or any groups to celebrate ASL and Deaf Pride and also light the candle for candlight vigil. If you want to support and donate, you may check on:
ASL and Deaf Pride Parade starts at Gallaudet at 11 am On Friday April 10, 2015, we start marching at 12 noon, and can bring your cars/motorcycle. Wear black or blue shirts, comfortable shoes, bring water and food in backpack and bring (cardboard) signs too. Impact of last time - taking kids to see this was awesome Cj was there with Carol her mother - and it impacted her understanding of what Deaf is!
Cj was a young child at the last ASL Deaf Pride parade and she remembers seeing people in tall buisness buildings and people on the road watching with smiles and some signing ILY hand shape.. She was surprised to see that as she usually sees people being wrapped in their own world as she is in her Deaf world so that was really wonderful experience
APril is also the month that President Abraham Lincoln signed Gallaudet College into being in 1864. That weekend will have Gallaudet Charter celebration plus Early Childhood Education summit on bilingualism.
March is 4 miles from Gally to Lincoln Memorial. Can take taxi, or subway to Metro and change to Smithsonian. past the Monument and you'll be there.
April 11, 2015 will have a VIGIL for all the Deaf and HOH children in the past and future.
ASL Abstract - 4 people showing up in various combination or alone:
Carol Hirsch - White woman with long brown hair,
Cj Hirsch - white woman with brown hair pulled up in a bun
David Ennis - white man with long grey hair pulled back.
Jenny Witteborg - white woman with messy pony tail and green glasses on top of head.
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ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 At Washington DC
ASL & Deaf Pride Parade 2015 In DC
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